
Explosives bunker (VTVS) for Heijmans

On behalf of Heijmans developed Hiltra® a number of MegasaverTM  fire compartments for the temporary securing of conventional explosives.The MegasaverTM with a fire resistance of 60 minutes is used exclusively for the storage of conventional explosives pending transfer to the Explosives Ordnance Disposal Service. Handling of the conventional explosives and any packaging thereof, will be done outside the unit. The construction and fire resistance of these special units fully meet the requirements drawn up by the VEO, the Association for Explosives Detection. By using solar panels, the units can be quickly and effectively deployed without a power connection in construction work where explosives are found.
Labsaver F90 LS1220-EN - gray
Promotion price
€ 2.201,76
Labsaver F90 LS620-EN - yellow
Promotion price
€ 1.910,70
Labsaver F90 LS1220-EN - yellow
Promotion price
€ 2.252,78
Bigsaver F60 model BS 3002-1100 (Occasion from stock > HV > 3002-55-1018)
Promotion price
€ 23.738,77